This server runs various modifications from vanilla Minecraft.
- Anti Creeper Grief
- Anti Engerman Grief
- Anti Ghast Grief
- Circular Log Tops
- Coordinates HUD
- Different Stems
- Directional Dispensers & Droppers
- Directional Hoppers
- Directonal Observers
- Durability Ping
- Glass Doors
- Glass Trap Doors
- Groovy Levers
- Keep Inventory on Death
- Lower Crimson Nylium
- Lower Dirt Path
- Lower Grass
- Lower Mycelium
- Lower Podzol
- Lower Snow
- Lower Warped Nylium
- More Mob Heads
- Multiplayer Sleep
- Nether Portal Coords
- Player AFK Display
- Player Head Drops
- Shorter Tall Grass
- Silence Mobs
- Smoother Font
- Sticky Piston Sides
- Teleport Home
- Teleport to Spawn
- Translucent Pumpkin Overlay
- Unique Dyes
- Variated Birch Logs
- Variated Bookshelves
- Variated Bricks
- Variated Cobblestone
- Variated Dirt
- Variated End Stone
- Variated Grass
- Variated Gravel
- Variated Mycelium
- Variated Planks
- Variated Red Mushroom Block
- Variated Stone
- Variated Terracotta
- Variated Unpolished Stones
- ViaVersion
- Villager Death Messages
- Visual Cauldron Stages
- Visual Composter States
- Visual Honey Stages
- Visual Sapling Growth
- World Pregenerator
Details about the modifications are documented on the respective site.